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Concourse Roadmap
Explore our plan for Concourse to consolidate and streamline all project information into a single schedule. See how our free P6 schedule viewer will progress into the next evolution of construction project management solutions.

All project data, contained within an intuitive schedule.
Our aim is to bring all project information together into a single, intuitive schedule, built for the entire team. With the power of infinite zoom, this dead-simple interface can hold all the information you need on a project, accessible from any device.

It all starts with a unique schedule, capable of infinite detail.
Concourse is from the next generation of project management platforms. It is built upon an infinite-zoom fabric, with the project schedule at the center.

With fast, modern search …
Concourse employs a cutting-edge, yet highly-intuitive search feature. It is much faster and easier than the status quo of today.

… and intuitive compound filtering.
Our filters are dead simple to create, modify, and save. Yet, they offer all the capabilities of complex legacy filtering.

As you zoom in, infinite layers of information appear.
In Concourse, you can keep it high-level, or zoom into infinite detail with two-finger navigation.

Easily share any live view.
Unlike most popular scheduling software, Concourse is web-based and requires no installation. Any live view can be quickly shared with the entire team via link or QR code.

See what others see and collaborate with them in real time.
Concourse brings true, live collaboration between the office and field. See what others are looking at and communicate visually, in real time, from any device.

Limitless information can reside within a single task.
With Concourse, all relevant information is contained inside the schedule. You can simply zoom into an activity to see all of the information you need to build it, including pretty much everything.

Drag drawings and photos into “Scrapbooks” for quick markups.
No separate PDF tool needed. With Concourse, you can drag in drawings, photos, etc into a scrapbook, resize, crop, and mark it up collaboratively, and attach it to anything, including schedule activities.

Submittals and RFIs with deep schedule integration.
In Concourse, RFI’s and Submittals are bi-directionally integrated with the schedule. There’s no need to maintain separate logs or manually track priorities and impacts. The whole team can clearly see how they fit into the schedule.

Zoom into activities to add look-ahead tasks, all within the project schedule.
One schedule to rule them all. With the power of infinite zoom, look ahead tasks are built directly inside the master schedule activities. To view the look-ahead detail, simply zoom deeper into the schedule.

No lock-in periods. Insightful metrics are automatically gathered and displayed continuously.
Concourse does not bog you down with data entry for reporting purposes and it eliminates the hassles of lock-in periods. It constantly tracks changes in the background and produces continual metrics that support continual planning.

Daily logs, built into the schedule. Enter quantities and crew sizes for instant performance metrics.
Concourse puts daily logs directly into the schedule, for dead-simple access. It also pulls crew sizes and quantities from the daily log entries to produce instant productivity metrics.

Intuitive productivity built into the schedule.
Why go to a separate, clunky report when you can see performance metrics right within the activities themselves. You can zoom into the schedule to see more granularity.

Daily log notes are categorized and graphed automatically. Providing better insight than ever before.
More useful than reason codes, with less data entry. Concourse automatically categorizes concerns and issues from the daily logs, whether they caused delays or not.

Interactive dashboards with a customizable news feed.
Concourse has an optimized dashboard that show information relevant to you.

Fast, simple schedule comparisons.
Concourse enables average people to compare schedule revisions. Simply drag the date line backwards to see “skid marks” from previous revisions.

Relationships that are easy to navigate.
Concourse aims to make scheduling intuitive. Tap on an activity to see all of its relationships. Double-tap to follow them. There is only one relationship type to worry about and a simple “percentage overlap” allows full flexibility while eliminating open-ended logic.

Web-based 3D with legendary performance. Smooth navigation on any device.
Concourse has a very powerful web-based 3D viewer that can handle large models on any device. Our brilliant 3D developers have come from the film and gaming industry to help construction. They have pioneered new methods to make BIM data dramatically more efficient over the web.

Revolutionary model-tagging approach for rapid 4D linking.
Concourse brings true 4D modeling to the masses, by making it easy for everyone. Simply tag the model with the same tagging convention used by the schedule and viola; automatic linking by association.

Dead-simple navigation. 3D model automatically filters to match the current schedule view.
You do not need to understand 3D model navigation to navigate a 3D model in Concourse. As you zoom into the schedule, the model automatically filters to show you what you are looking at in the schedule.

Micro-4D! Easily break the 4D plan down into more detail with look-ahead tasks.
When you break an activity into look-ahead tasks, you can break the model down further to easily create a more detailed 4D model of your look-ahead plan.

Universal tagging automatically ties everything together.
Concourse utilizes “universal tagging” to tie everything together. Anything you tag the same way will be automatically associated throughout Concourse. This includes schedule activities, model elements, photos, submittals, RFIs… everything.

Automated weather information; past and future.
Concourse taps into national weather data to display the weather, both past and future. This makes forensic analysis and future planning much easier.

Available live on any device.
Concourse is designed for mobile and built for the web. It provides instant live access from any device. Welcome to the future of construction software.
Help Accelerate Our Development
We are now seeking industry partnerships and investors to accelerate our roadmap. Reach out to discuss options.
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